How to use Pre-installed OpenCV?

Discussion in 'UDOO QUAD' started by proto, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. proto

    proto New Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    I recently got an Udoo Quad board and installed the Udoobuntu OS via MicroSD card (specifically, UDOObuntu v1.1 (Ubuntu 12.04) from The main appeal of this OS was the pre-installed OpenCV, since I'd like to write some Java programs that utilize this library. Everything seems to be working okay with the OS, and I can find the OpenCV Examples folder, but any time I try to run/compile the examples I get a message that it can't locate the OpenCV library. I first tried compiling the Java Hello.main example, and I have also tried running some of the Python examples.

    Basically, it just seems like the OpenCV examples aren't working right out of the box. Am I missing a step somewhere? I've tried to search for a tutorial on how to use OpenCV with Udoobuntu but most tutorials seem like it's supposed to just work. Should I install a different version of the Udoobuntu OS? Thanks for any help.

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