i did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade but i can't find ttyMCC and one more i want PWM1~6 but i did cd /sys/class/pwm and ls i found just pwmchip0 pwmchip1 pwmchip2 i want 3 more please help me
Did you switch off the M4 (Arduino)? Because then there is no ttyMCC. If you want to use more than 2 PWM pins in Linux you have to switch off the M4 (Arduino) because the other 6 PWM are reserved for the Arduino side. You have the choice to use the 6 PWM from Arduino and use the Arduino IDE to use them. Or switch off M4 and do all kind of complex Linux stuff to access them from the Linux side. You have to rebuild the device tree yourself. So my advice for you would be to use the Arduino PWM.
thank you but i want use Linux terminal and use more pwm I do your advice in switch off Arduino and i enter /opt/dtweb/public/boards/neo/board.js and set up more pwm in board.js than device tree is wrong pin number block is disappear. and one more. i control pwm0 but signal appear in pin30(pwm5/gpio18)
Switching off Arduino m4: http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Cookbook_Linux/Turn_off_M4_Arduino_core.html Doing device tree Editting / pinmuxing yourself is mentioned here http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Cookbook_Linux/Device_Tree_Editor.html but there is no support and requires deep knowledge of this principle which I don't have. I still would advice you to use the standard Arduino PWM. With serial communication you can communicate between Linux and Arduino to send PWM commands to the arduino pins.
If you use the Arduino IDE on the Neo can you program the Arduino side? It also uses this serial device. Perhaps you have to refresh your linux image on the SD card to be sure older changes are not hampering you.