i2C write to file/ log *help needed please*

Discussion in 'UDOO NEO' started by DPrime123, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. DPrime123

    DPrime123 New Member

    Jun 4, 2015
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    The i2c bricks are giving me no end of trouble unfortunately. was hoping to get some experienced help :D
    I connected the Barometer brick prior to start up.
    All folders and such were present in the /sys folder.
    And both the (new web based) device tree and i2cdetect showed that the i2c was working.
    I worked through the documentation to make sure the i2c was enabled.
    created bash script, couldn't work out what to do with the menuconfig and left dts as needed root.

    After all that I think I was more confused about what I was doing when I started so thought I'd ask here to get back on the straight and narrow.

    I did want to modify the Bash script so that it would write to a txt file which I could then reference to draw information out of.
    But like I said I couldn't get the example bash script working in order to start editing it.

    Any help you can give would be great (step by step would be even better but I'll take whatever you got) :D


    p.s. is it possible to piggy back the two bricks? Barometer and Temperature as the plugs seem to indicate you could.
  2. Andrea Rovai

    Andrea Rovai Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Dear @DPrime123,
    are you asking us if you can connect the bricks one another? Yes you can, we designed it for a cascade configuration.
    Are you able to read the values in those files, since those files are present? I haven't exactly understand your problem, could you reformulate as a question?

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