I have the Spark Fun MIDI Shield ( pretty cool ). * I can hit the reset button to restart Arduino on the SparkFun ( has a button for that and LED lights up ). However, I can't get a note in. I've tried OMNI and Serial Examples and MIDI Lib (forty seven )... NOTHING ! I've also tried changing my device from Channel 10 to 1 and using OMNI in the MIDI.begin() function. NOTHING -- Read function never gets called ( loop gets called though ) - tried many examples. I'm down to it being bad cable ? I guess ! ANYONE have any ideas before I buy another cable ? ========================================================== #include <MIDI.h> // Simple tutorial on how to receive and send MIDI messages. // Here, when receiving any message on channel 4, the Arduino // will blink a led and play back a note for 1 second. MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); static const unsigned ledPin = 13; // LED pin on Arduino Uno void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); MIDI.begin(10); // I can put Channel 10 or OMNI ( all channels ) but nothing ! } void loop() { if (MIDI.read()) // If we have received a message { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); MIDI.sendNoteOn(42, 127, 1); // Send a Note (pitch 42, velo 127 on channel 1) delay(1000); // Wait for a second MIDI.sendNoteOff(42, 0, 1); // Stop the note digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } }
I have a breadboard and a MIDI Input I will try as well but for some reason I think it's the Arduino blocking Comms but who knows. Will update this thread when I find answer.