Hi, UDOOers I'm attempting the last year of high school in Italy. Me and a friend of mine are trying to assemble an homemade lanchpad to bring it at the final exam this year. Would you suggest us how we should start? I thought we will need some library that handles with sounds, so we would like to know if there is any that can help us to make a primordial launchpad.
Try pygame, a library of python. It can handle input events and music. The only downside I had was the HDMI output hampering. How is your launchpad wired to the Neo? On the Arduino side?
I understand that you need to use the Neo, but a Neo has 2 Processors, 1 Linux processor (A9) with is own Input/Output pins and a Arduino (M4) with its own Input/output pins. So on which input/output you are going to connect the launchpad? Be aware that you only can output music in the Linux Side. Arduino Input/output is easier to programm but you have to send some music commands over to the Linux side
check this https://github.com/UDOOboard/serial_libraries_examples as a start to setup communication between M4 and A9 It is written for Udoo Quad but when you use /dev/ttyMCC instead of /dev/ttymxc3 it should work. I also would advise to set the timout to 0. also check this thread for some examples: http://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/pyserial-error-with-udoo-neo.3294/