Hi friends, here's Andrea, UDOO Team: nice to meet you. That's how I've been starting all my emails since my arrival at UDOO, on September 1, 2014. But there's something new on the event horizon: I'm quitting on May 4 from my job at UDOO. My experience with UDOO has been amazing. Thanks to UDOO I've had the unique opportunity to be part to an astounding adventure. With UDOO I've taken part from behind the curtains to Maker Faire Rome 2014, 2015 and 2016. Also, I've taken part to Embedded World 2015, 2016 and 2017. With UDOO I've learned most of the things I know about this job. I will always be thankful to the UDOO Team from what I've learned here. This place is wonderful for many things: the working environment, the people, the fact that you are part of a something bigger than you - the UDOO community. Also, UDOO is a wonderful place to work because you are truly part of the creative process and you can really share your point of view. Actually I'm not quitting because of some problem with UDOO. I want to build something on my own. I don't know what, but I'd like to focus on myself and my dreams for a bit. When you are sixteen you wonder about big questions, then you end up looking for a job. What I want is to start wondering again. Start questioning. And find my own path. What I already know is that I love writing, and I love Kickstarter campaign. That's why shortly I'm going to help a couple of friends launch a crowdfunding campaign for their musical entitled "Dante Inferno - l'Opera in Musical." If you are interested or just want to help us you can like the page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danteinferno.musical/ After this campaign I'd love to keep writing Kickstarter campaigns as a freelancer, so if some of you is looking for a help for his campaign you can send me an email at andrearovai.idea@gmail.com, which is my personal email address, and I'll reply shortly. But don't you worry guys: you're in good hands. Indeed, @Laura is taking over my position here on May 4. Actually, she's already here with us On this regard, I kindly ask to all UDOO Evangelists to get in touch with Laura.
Thank you Andrea for your support! And good luck with your new activities, indeed it is always good to follow your heart. Laura, congratulations with your new job!