Hi I am running MQX on M4 core. And I try to make the LED controlled by M4 blinking but failed. I have seen from the UDOO NEO doc, and it has the following hints "Just control the digital pin 13 to get information on code running on M4 sketch." I do not quite understand what is digital pin 13. And according to the context, it seems the digital pin 13 is related to Arduino. And I have found from "Use more digital pins on M4", the number 13 Arduino pins has the following definition. So from the definition, i can found related registers of IOMUX and GPIO. If i want to make the LED blink, should I operate on the related IOMUX and GPIO registers? #define ARD_DIO13 (LWGPIO_PORT4 | LWGPIO_PIN6) #define ARD_DIO13_MUX_GPIO (LWGPIO_MUX_PORT4_PIN6_GPIO)
You don't need IOMUX or GPIO registers through Arduino. Btw, everything - included what is the digital pin 13 - is in the documentation. To blink LED 13 in M4 you just need to use the Arduino IDE.