HI, I tryed to install LinuxSampler on a UDOO Quad using this method: http://davidbolton.info/articles/build_ ... mpler.html The compilation of libgig worked, but linuxsampler doesn't, i've got that message: #error "Sorry, LinuxSampler lacks time stamp code for your system." what does that mean? Has anyone managed to install LinuxSampler on UDOO? Thanks PS: I'm new using linux
Hmm... Looks like it's trying to do some sort of high resolution timing stuff that is somewhat CPU dependent. I found a number of other complaints about the same thing on other embedded processor boards, so I don't know that it's going to be possible to fix without getting the LinuxSampler devs to fix it. It's an issue in their RTMath.cpp code.... See here: http://linuxsampler.sourcearchive.com/d ... ource.html