Hi all, Has anyone had an luck setting up the LVDS 7" display. I have followed the instructions from https://github.com/UDOOboard/Neo-Docs/blob/master/docs/05_Hardware_&_Accessories/09_LVDS.md as the published documentation is not as up to date. Edit /boot/uEnv.txt and replace the hdmi line with Code: fdt_file=dts/imx6sx-udoo-neo-lvds7-m4.dtb however in this blog entry http://www.udoo.org/udoobuntu-2-beta-2-is-here/ the instructions are to use Code: fdt_file=dts/imx6q-udoo-7lvds.dtb video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,LDB-WVGA,if=RGB666,bpp=32 After reboot the screen does not display. Are there any gotchas, currently I'm powering the Neo with the USB (5V @ 2.1A) should I be using the 12V @ 2A power supply? I have connected the display with just the supplied cable, does this carry power? I can't see any additional connectors on the display. Is there a power button that I may have missed? The output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log is: not post-able as due to the forums 10000 character limit. It seems fine, no errors, some warnings. Screen seems to be identified, and xrandr shows the correct resolution. Code: Screen 0: minimum 240 x 240, current 800 x 480, maximum 8192 x 8192 mxs-lcdif connected 800x480+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm U:800x480p-60 60.7* Any help appreciated. Luke
Today I had just received the UDOO Neo board acquired via Kickstarted and I was able to start using the micro-HDMI port, but as @Luke mentioned, the display on LVDS did not show any image. Is there an special procedure to route video output through that port??
Dear folks, if you downloaded the image this weekend please download it again and reflash it. The image was corrupted, we substituted it but maybe you still have the previous corrupted image. Could you please check the SHA-1 and eventually reflash the image? For what concerns LVDS setup the info are here, we'll include them in the Neo Documentation as soon as possible. Cheers
Thanks for getting back to me. The image I downloaded wasn't corrupt (didn't use the Sourceforge link). The vital piece of information was that the LVSD touchscreen requires the 12V power supply to be used instead of the USB power supply. I suspected this and it was confirmed by the UDOO support channel. I should point out that the instructional link you posted maybe wrong. The link references a dts, dts/imx6q-udoo-7lvds.dtb, that isn't present in the Udoobuntu 2 Beta. the correct information is not published at http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Hardware_&_Accessories/LVDS.html (docs have now been updated form github) Cheers Luke