I don't know if there is. All what is in the Neo board package is compatible. All other libraries you can find on the internet are most likely not. Looking at the library it should not be such a big problem to get it working. There are no hardware timers used. What function of the library are you using? Perhaps there is a workaround.
Try #include <TimeLib.h> instead of #include <Time.h> See also the original examples in the library. https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time/blob/master/examples/TimeArduinoDue/TimeArduinoDue.ino And also do not include libraries you don't use like Hardwareserial.h, Arduino.h etc If you for example have these in another version on your own PC for another board these could be used instead of the ones compatible with the Neo.
In that case Time.h was an almost empty file with "include <timeLib.h". However, I removed it because I didn't use it anymore. At the moment I'm using #include <stdlib.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_BMP085.h> //https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-BMP085-Library #include <RTClib.h> //https://github.com/adafruit/RTClib #include <DHT.h> //https://github.com/markruys/arduino-DHT STOP/START failures still happen
For the DHT use the DHT library for the Neo (should be in your Neo board package https://github.com/UDOOboard/arduino-board-package/tree/boardmanager/udoo/solox/libraries For the other check them separately with the examples in the libraries if they will run on the Neo and then combine them in one sketch. For hints to adapt them to the Neo: http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Arduino_M4_Processor/Porting_Libraries.html Are you sure all your I2C devices are using different addresses? Else you would get issues from that.
Why? It is full on topic. The only problem is that you started it but no longer have this issue. probably you get all notifications but you can switch that off for this thread.