I have build a part of my project around my Arduino Mega, and I'm reconsidering to move it to my Neo. On my Mega I already use quite some pins, and I guess I'd be out of pins on the Neo quite quickly. Therefore I think of using a multiplexer. Having bad experiences with connecting a 4-digit display to the Neo because it uses a protocol where pins had to switch input or output mode[*] I'm wondering if a multiplexer like this would cause similar problems: http://tronixstuff.com/2013/08/05/part-review-74hc4067-16-channel-analog-multiplexerdemultiplexer/ [*] UDOO has provided an update for the library some time ago. If it works I will switch.
Portd is not supported by Neo I think as it has other ports but it is easy to change to digitalwrite. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PortManipulation But perhaps it is working, connect some LEDs to the pins and see if they react.
I edited my first post a little bit and added a link to arduino portmapping. I cannot recall a port mapping in the Neo Arduino sources. But perhaps I overlooked something.
Neo's package does state: Arduino Uno compatible... That doesn't end with simple read and writes to pins, does it?
You could also use an I2C multiplexer, fully compatible: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-tca9548a-1-to-8-i2c-multiplexer-breakout/overview
And you can use the following compatible code too for the multiplexer you want to use: http://bildr.org/2011/02/cd74hc4067-arduino/
Hi guys, about multiplexer on M4 side, can I do something like this? So through Serial.begin() and Serial.end() I can set different parameters (even if they have the same baudrate) and read two sensors on the same UART.
My first impression it is not. Serial/uart cannot be multiplexed. Or you have to make some hardware switch that switches on command from one device to the other.