hello Udooers, I am planning to use UDOO neo to recognise some patterns , Is Open CV working on Udoo neo? I dont see much documentation on the same. Any links or projects would be of great help
Dear Bhargav K, since NEO doesn't have an accelerated encoding/decoding GPU-side we have never recompiled OpenCV for NEO or tried it somehow. Cheers
It works, we tried the python version with a Mobius in webcam mode. A document is in progress for how to setup a wifi p2p video streaming demo to a laptop. We had some major flaws with the implemented rest api throttling our FPS, but it works! https://github.com/burks10/UAS-LiveVideoStreaming But yes, we need to get GPU involved.
That example just seems to stream the Mobius output over wifi to a laptop. I suspect the original post is about deploying opencv on the Neo for image recognition which isn't practical because there is no h/w acceleration support for the imx6 in OpenCV. The A9 is too weak to do this in software and there is a small potential to do some basic image processing using Open GL Shaders but the GPU may struggle.
Attaching this application note, which should apply to this processor. It doesn't include many performance metrics but it explores object detection with OpenGL ES 2.0 and makes comparisons with opencv. See my other thread http://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/running-opengl-es-2-0-samples-on-the-neo.3069/ where I was trying to get the OpenGL ES samples running from src. (The ones from the deb run fine). I haven't had a chance to spend much time yet.
I don't now how much practical experience you have had with image detection, however the ideas presented in the application note although novel are very crude in their implementation for image detection. Furthermore in the conclusion section it also mentions the possibility of using Open CL on the imx6, I can tell you from experience the Open CL support is extremely limited to point it's not useful at all. Also bare in mind the GPU on the Neo is extremely weak compared to the higher end i.mx6 processors so you won't get the same level of performance.