Openjdk 7 Error .. Could not install in ubuntu 14.4

Discussion in 'UDOO QUAD' started by Sathya, Dec 9, 2017.


Can I Install openjdk 8 and marshmallow for Udoo dual board ( Android)

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  1. Sathya

    Sathya New Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Openjdk 7 Error .. Could not install in ubuntu 14.4 :
    I scaled down to ubuntu 14.4 and trying to install openjdk 7 : Its a disaster not able to install openjdk at all due to the various errors like broken link unavailable library etc

    I tried installing open jdk 8 and marshmalllow
    It throws tons of errors.

    I'm Completely lost!!.. Why don't Udoo give us proper installation step. I'm struggling since a week to compile a simple AOSP code on udoo dual board

    Help is appreciated.. Thank you all in Advance - Sathya

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