Hi, I want to use pwm1~6 in linux so disabled M4. I relocation external pinout in device tree editor and I control pwmchip0 (pwm1 = pin43) and check pinout by oscilloscope that pinout is allways 3.3v (value 1). I chang this pin to Gpio output in GND( value 0 ) yet that pin is continue 3.3v and pwm2 is same state. please help me.. + I chang I2C 4 from pin 34,35 to pin 32,33 and i use motion sensor it works well +others pwm 3,4,5,6 works well
Dear yangbeng, are you sure you also follow the following part of the guide? "If you need to use this on the M4 Arduino core, you need to remove it from the A9 core, right-clicking on the corresponding pins and removing it. After a reboot it will be possible to connect an external I2C device to the SDA SCL pins and control it from the Arduino M4 core."