Programming UDOO to receive data serially from Arduino due

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImIronman, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. ImIronman

    ImIronman New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I'm new to UDOO and Linux, and I would like to know how to write and execute a C Program on UDOO, which makes it receive data from the Arduino side through the common serial channel. Are there any compilers/libraries that I need to install to do this? Plus, it would be great if anyone can post some example of a C program that enables inter-processor communication on UDOO.

    I posted the same query in the programming forum but didn't receive any response, so re-posting this here as this seems to be a more actively used place.

    Thank you!
  2. DracoLlasa

    DracoLlasa UDOOer

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Re: Programming UDOO to receive data serially from Arduino d

    with the jumpers in the right spots per the user manual, the common serial bus should feed into from the arduino automatically.
    Now i dont know anything about programming in C so i may be missing something, but i would figure you should just be able to read from the serial interface and get the data.

    The user manual has a lot of the specifics on the name of the interface and how to have the jumpers set so the data passes through properly.

    Sorry, i know this probably isn't a lot of help, but from what i know, it should just work out of the box in the way you are describing.
  3. mkopack

    mkopack Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Re: Programming UDOO to receive data serially from Arduino d

    What Draco said...

    Then, a quick Google search for "Linux C++ serial port read" turned up this: ... connection

    Hopefully that will give you what you need from both sides (Arduino and Linux).

    Still not sure you're going to be able to reach the performance levels you need, but won't know till you try.
  4. DracoLlasa

    DracoLlasa UDOOer

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Re: Programming UDOO to receive data serially from Arduino d

    yea i was just reading that other thread too, its a lot of data to move.. and if we were working directly with the hardware maybe, but you have to also take into account that Linux is sitting between the C/C++ program and the SAM3X8 serial out. I am not sure how much of an impact it will have.. but it is a lot of data to move at once.

    Maybe the UDOO guys will have more experience on if it can handle it or not.

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