Refunding a Bolt V8 not possible even if unused?

Discussion in 'UDOO BOLT' started by ehf, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. ehf

    ehf UDOOer

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hello, I have ordered a Bolt V8 from Mouser through a local Mouser partner shop, but I have had several large changes in institution funding that prohibited me from purchasing it.
    However, the local partner has said that it is not possible for them to refund and I HAVE to purchase it. However, there was no contract that I have the obligation to purchase it as I did not pay the money upfront, and it is not possible to purchase as this is for research.
    I have not received it and the shop is holding the product because there has been no resolution that was viable, but they either have to return the product or sell it to me, but they say that returning the product is not possible.
    Will it be possible for UDOO to show a resolution to this? The packet has obviously not been opened and it is in its original state.
    I would like to look forward to your answer.
    Thank you very much in advance.
  2. waltervl

    waltervl UDOOer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Where are you based? In Europe, for consumers, there is a law that you should be able to return your purchase in x days. This off course is not the case for business (institution) purchases. Then you have to follow the mouser sales conditions if your institution purchase department did not buy it for you under their purchase conditions. So first check the Mouser sales conditions and their return policy in it. Udoo has no saying in this.
    evaloverde likes this.
  3. evaloverde

    evaloverde Administrator Staff Member

    Apr 29, 2019
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    Ciao Ehf, please follow Walter's suggestion. Unfortunately, we have no power over Mouser's policy

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