Hi to everyone, it's a pleasure for me to share with you our doubts. In my case I just want a simply information: i want to control washing machine in my house from outside, so i've think to leave the washing machine on ON status and link it to my udoo neo with a classic module relè (220V 10 A). It is possible or something could go wrong? Another small second question: at first, as noob with udoo, I use it as an headless device, as shows udoo neo tutorial. Then I connected udoo with wireless and I used it with my pc, by a VNC Viewer, to download some torrents. But, as I close the VNC viewer, my udoo stops to download torrents (so I presume that udoo goes off, even if it's still connected with power). Where is the problem? Thanks for your reply, and sorry for my english or simply questions.
Dear Giulio88, welcome in this forum! 1) It's possible. You'll obviously need to make a bit of snip and fix. 2) How are you powering up your UDOO NEO once you close VNC viewer and unplug the board from your computer? Are you relying on the VNC connection to power up the board?
Thanks for your reply Andrea! I'm always powering up UDOO NEO with classic AC Power Supply Adapter DC 12 Volt 2 Amp, connected with WiFi. I connect UDOO to power, open VNC viewer with local IP and password, and then I see UDOO desktop (every function is OK, torrent downlod included). But I try to download something or simply leave some windows open on UDOO desktop, and if I close VNC viewer on my PC, seems that UDOO goes off (previous open windows closed, stop download torrent etc..). Where is wrong? I only want to leave UDOO connected with AC power supply (and wifi).
Dear Giulio88, if you unplug UDOO NEO, that thus is not connected anymore and so has no screen output, how do you manage to check that the open windows get closed? Sorry if it seems a weird question.
Because when I re-connect with VNC viewer all windows get closed and torrent status is fixed. (Probably I'm a pollo and I can't understand some step... I'm doing everything right or not?)
Dear Giulio88, I suggest you to start the applications keeping the process in background adding & at the end of the command you typed. Are you using UDOObuntu 2 RC1?
I Andrea, yes I'm using UDOObuntu 2 RC1. And I tried to start application in background, but without success. But I've got some news based on some proofs. I finally connected my UDOO with HDMI to a monitor, then I tried to open some windows and there is no problem if I leave UDOO connected only with AC adapter (windows obviusly remaining open). But if I connect to UDOO with a VNC viewer, I can't see the previous windows open on monitor ( still connected with HDMI to UDOO). Briefly seems that everytime I connect with a VNC viewer, the VNC always open an empty desktop (I also checked all tasks Desktop 1, 2 ecc on the bottom), while on monitor (with HDMI) there are all the windows open in every VNC session. More over, if I open Transmission while it is connected to monitor, I can't open it by VNC viewer (tap on it but doesn't appear any window). I hope that my explanation is clear.. I know that seems weird, but I can't understand problem. Maybe I have a different idea of VNC viewer like a team viewer?
Dear @Giulio88, let me sum up your problem, just to be sure I understood. You connect via HDMI. Then you connect via VNC while you are still connected to HDMI. The output of the two monitors is different. Am I wrong?
Yes, it's exactly right!!.. More over there are this 2 scenarios 1st scenario: - I connect UDOO ONLY with VNC. UDOO desktop appears on my pc. - I open Transmission program and leave his window open. Then I close VNC viewer. - I re-open VNC viewer and there is no Transmission window. - If I tap on Transmission program, his window re-appears (and re-start download from the % of the previous closure of VNC (I tried many hours later of closure, obviusly). 2nd scenario: - I connect UDOO with HDMI. UDOO desktop appears on my TV monitor. - I open Transmission program and a browser page, and leave this windows open. - Then I connect (AT THE SAME TIME) with VNC viewer and UDOO EMPTY desktop appears on my pc. - By VNC, I tap on Transmission program and on pc nothing appears, while on TV monitor the Transmission program is already open! - By VNC, I tap on new browser page and on pc nothing appears, while on TV monitor ther are now 2 browser page open!! It's more clear now?? Thanks for reply...
Ok then, I've understood your problem. The solution is inside these two commits. https://www.google.com/url?q=https:...sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEvWJ1VPX1CEUmydQzuVJmkA5wxnA https://www.google.com/url?q=https:...sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEu7S04GS9a867bnQs6fy83s6YhTQ