Hi, I wonder how to enable classes such as QSqlTableModel with the Qt5 layer? I have a SQlite database so maybe I also have to enable the SQlite driver? Here is my code: Code: #ifndef MACHINE #define MACHINE #include <QSqlTableModel> class Machine : public QSqlTableModel { }; #endif // MACHINE At the include line, I get an error "No such file or directory". Thanks in advance. Edit: I simply forgot to add Code: QT += sql to my .pro file.
Now I have a trouble with the SQlite Driver (QSQLITE driver not loaded). I try to figure out how to add this driver.
I guess this is at least foo level 2 in openembedded. Looks like you need tweek PACKAGECONFIG So here is the documentation about it
Yes, I solved it by the time just by adding a .bbappend file. meta-udoo/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_%.bbappend: Code: PACKAGECONFIG_append = " sql-sqlite" I would prefer not to create a new file for only one line but it works actually.
You can change this for example in the conf/local.conf file. Code: PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtbase= " sql-sqlite" So no .bbappend is needed Or if you haveyour own distro you can set it in the distro file.