Hello! I am trying to get CSI video from ADV7280 on UDOO Quad board (iMX6Q). I found "adv7280_mipi_csi2_tvin.c" in the kernel sources and plug it in the config. Then I found that the initial code for UDOO does not manage ADV7280, so I have added necessary code. Right now I see that ADV7280 driver registered by system (probe function called), but there is no /dev/videoX file for my ADV7280 instance. I guess the reason is "adv7280_mipi_csi2_tvin.c" provides only I2C registration... not V4L. I found that another board (mx6q sabreauto ???) also uses ADV7280, but it is not clear how... So there are questions: - how to use ADV7280 without V4L? - is anyone uses ADV7280 and have working driver? /Regards, Yury.