Hi, I just got started with the Udoo Neo and I was was able to setup the Neo fine with ubuntu. Then I installed Java onto the Udoo because I wanted to program it in Java using an IDE on windows. I was able to use putty/psftp and run simple Java programs. Now, I would like to access the GPIO pins and begin adding sensors to send and receive data in Java . However I did some research and I wasn't able to find any libraries which I could install into my IDE on windows to program the UDOO Neo. Is there any such libraries? If not is it possible to use the rxtx java library? Also are there are any examples that I could take a look at? Thanks, Vinay
If you want to access the on-board sensors and/or the bricks you could use my Java 8 library at https://bitbucket.org/cuhka/com.cuhka.neo.sensors. I haven't done any other GPIO programming directly in Linux/Java, so I can't answer that question. However, if you want to use RXTX in Java, read the notes at my website. An example of how to read the serial is also available.
Perhaps this would give a direction: http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/UDOO_NEO_made_by_the_Community/Java.html