I have an UDOO quad from the original build. I recently installed the latest beta version 2 software. while it starts up ok. I seems to hang whenever I try and do anything significant. I tried to install VNC thru the app basket and it hangs saying it needs to load unauthorized software. The alert window won't close, and I basically end up having to reboot. I realize this is beta software and was looking to see if UDOO is collecting information on what we find or??? Larry
Hi there I8mackey, could you report errors/log/dmesg/whatever, so to better help you out? To collect bugs of UDOObuntu 2 I made this file.
dmesg log attached, although I don't see anything?? If I wait long enough, I can clear out the alert windows
Not sure if that counts as a bug??? before I ran update and upgrade, if I tried to install software with a component that was not from a authorized source...the Lubuntu Software Center error windows would hang and not respond to clicking on close for a long time (>10 minutes)