UDOO x86 Media Player Beast.

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by Grogster, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Grogster

    Grogster New Member

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Hello everyone. :)

    I actually got my UDOO x86 Advanced as part of the Kickstarter, but never got around to building the damn thing with so many other things going on in daily life! :D

    However, I had time tonight to play with this board, and have set it up with Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, and Zoom Player MAX, and it goes like a charm. :) So, I thought I would share that with the forums, as a bit of positive feedback vs all the questions and problems people tend to use forums for most of the time. ;)

    I am very pleased with the performance, and I am using the built in 32GB eMMC drive, which is technically slower then the likes of a SATA or M.2 drive. However, as I am only planning to ever use this as a media-player, I expect that the speed of the eMMC drive and only 4GB of RAM are not really issues once it has booted up.

    Speaking of which, boot time from the eMMC is about 8 seconds to the desktop - that is impressive considering the on-board eMMC drive I am using for Windoze.:) I suppose though, there are not additional softwares to load in the background - it is a clean install of Pro 64-bit with the only extra software being Zoom Player MAX.

    Here is a photo of the test setup I am using at the moment:


    There is a 12v @ 5A UPS to the right of the UDOO, to keep the media player running 24/7 regardless of any power-cuts. As with pretty much any PC these days, that also prevents a 'Dirty' shut down caused by a power failure, and allows you to power-down the system cleanly if you need to go off-line.

    So, nice work UDOO boys and girls, and keep it up. :)

    Regards from New Zealand.....
    waltervl and Maurice like this.
  2. Laura

    Laura UDOOer

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Thank you for supporting our project on Kickstarter, and for sharing your set up! :)

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