TL;DR: UDOObuntium : UDOObuntu = Chromium : Chrome UDOObuntium is a bleeding-edge community OS for UDOO. Since it comes without any kind of warranty, it is recommended only for experienced users. Using it, your board my be kidnapped, burnt or ate by dark kittens, or it may just produce magic smoke and flames. So use it at your own risk! Differences from UDOObuntu 2 RC1: * Based on Ubuntu 15.10 * Latest version of UDOO linux_kernel * Updated device-tree editor * Bluetooth (uim) uses systemd; bluez5 is preinstalled Known issues: * board hangs at reboot * chromium-browser is not accelerated * qt5 is not accelerated The images are (almost fully) untested! In order to keep the forum clean, please ask questions about this image only inside this thread. Do not open external topics. Keep in mind this image is not supported nor provided by the UDOO Team. Support tickets opened about this images will be discarded. Download: * 2016-02-18
Is the .img the same as the .raw? Can we just uncompress that and write it straight to a disk with dd, or is something else required?