Hi, I tried to install UDOObuntu 2 RC1 on my card UDOO QUAD ... at startup is displayed UDOO's logo and then black screens ... any previous beta versions work properly ... I can not find the solution. Can anyone help me please.
Search Ubuntu Linux Forum and the release of version 2 RC1. You'll need another computer connected via a serial port/USB to stop the boot process, to make some adjustments for your monitor, save the changes then reboot.
Grazie Francesco ... puoi suggerirmi il link per favore ? Dear @Salvatore Oteri, please avoid the Italian in the forum. English is the official language of this forum. I'll report the translation below for non English users. By @Andrea Rovai Hi Francesco... may you share the link, please?
@Salvatore here is the link: http://www.udoo.org/forum/index.php?threads/193/ Gesendet von meinem FP2 mit Tapatalk
Dear all, I'm getting an error similar to Francesco's one. When Udoo quad boot (ubuntu2rc1 or beta version) the udoo logo appears and then everything stay black. I've tried the following: 1) install the op system with a new sd card (anyway my old one works perfectly with previous realses of ubuntu) -> SAME PROBLEM 2) Download again the image (both from mirror and utorrent) -> SAME PROBLEM 3) Install tightvnc from ssh and then start the x server. While the ssh sessio seems ok the vnc session doesn't show nothing. any suggestion?? Thanks in advance! Marco
@marcocaster The HDMI related issue is discussed in the HDMI thread. May I suggest to discuss the HDMI stuff in this thread? The issue with some HDMI panels was introduced in UDOOBuntu RC1 as @Francesco stated already. The UDOO team does not have such a panel so they have trouble to debug this. I've created a patch which fixes the issues I had with my screen.
Dear guys, just to let you know that UDOObuntu 2 RC2 is out, if you wanna try it. Any info is at this address: http://www.udoo.org/download-udoobuntu-2-rc2/