Udoox86 JSBC = Jewelry Single Board Computer

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by stecolumna, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. stecolumna

    stecolumna UDOOer

    May 20, 2016
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    Yesterday I got my pack with the Udoo x86 Ultra. I easily mounted everything and I was able to install Debian 9 Stretch on the M2 disk in Legacy mode. Fast installation thanks to the speed of the M2 interface.
    I also tried the second monitor with Arandr on DP port with Udoo cables and it works properly.
    I've connected without problems a USB 3.0 powered HUB and then also a USB 2.0 powered HUB.
    Logitech Wireless Keyboard and mouse are properly recognized.
    Udoo microfan with three-wire connection properly is recognized by the BIOS. The fan activates during the boot then shuts off. I have never reached high temperatures during this first phase of use so the fan is turned off but it works.

    At the time of the preorder was not available the wifi module M2 so I tried 3 different Wifi dongles which are recognized but cannot connect. The same thing happens to me on the PC so I assume it's a Debian problem that I still have to solve. [SOLVED June 24th 2017: now wifi dongles works correctly]

    The poweroff command works properly.

    The Udoox86 is very versatile, starting with a boot menu that really presents many options. I got the feeling this is not a simple single board computer but I want to "baptize" it as a "JSBC = jewelry single board computer", a small and high class board: not a pret-a-porter, but just High Fashion.

    Congratulations Udoo-x86-makers !
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017

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