Hi! I am looking for how connect Arduino and Linux side and I am working with the Udoo Library. Perhaps, I can't configure, use or find the /dev/ttymxc3, for int, debug or write with de UDOO class. udooer@udooneo:~$ sudo ls /dev/ttymxc* [sudo] password for udooer: /dev/ttymxc0 /dev/ttymxc2 udooer@udooneo:~$ Can anybody helps me?
The library you used is written for the udoo quad. But no problem, if you use /dev/ttyMCC instead it will work. But not from command line, please use the examples from Python, php or Java. Or use the Arduino IDE serial monitor. Another tip: do not let the Arduino sketch send data (eg serial.print) unless you are sure that in the Linux side you have a process/program ready to listen. At a reboot the Arduino side is a lot faster booted so will send already a lot of data before the Linux side is booted. This will overflow the serial buffer and could even hang the Neo! So have your Arduino sketch wait until it receives a command from your Linux program to send data.
Thanks! I will try to write my firsts projects using Serial class and sending characters from Arduino Side and waiting and managing this strings in Linux Side to exec commands "in local". In a few weeks, i would use arduino-side's commands to exec linux commands, work with files and use TCP connections like the Udoo Library allow (I think). In other side, I am comparing Magum Library (Python) vs. Java Libraries to controll GPIO and UDOO sensors. What's the best option?
If you choose to use php_serial.class don't enable error reporting. The problems with stty causes a crash because php_serial.class fails to configure the port. Without error reporting enabled the php_serial.class example works. I've had numerous crashes because of data being sent to php but not received. The php send to serial functions well but $read = $serial->readPort() is a problem for me so far.