Hello, I want to configure my Xbee module, but I don't know how, there is a manual to explain how to do it? Thanks.
Hi Raimundo, what are you looking for? The XBee needs to be connected to one of the UARTS. You can use Serial2 on Arduino Pins e.g. to connect. The Baudrate depends on your XBee but 9600 should be fine. The XBee device is working on command mode or on communication mode. So if you have two connected XBees, you can send data vice versa the modules If you send 3 times "+" (+++) in a second, the XBee will go into command mode. Have a look at the XBee AT commands: http://knowledge.digi.com/articles/Know ... ommand-Set http://examples.digi.com/wp-content/upl ... mmands.pdf I would prefer on yor side, first of all to understand how your XBees work and communicate to each other before developing on UDOO/Arduino. If you have a USB/Serial Adapter, you can use a Terminal Program to "test" your XBee. Tom