
Discussion in 'SECOSBC-A62' started by modjo, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    @modjo to ensure you have the complete file here is the MD5 sum:

    $ md5sum udoo-image-full-cmdline-sbca62q1gb-20160204165522.rootfs.sdcard.gz
    bf75e2fae500f7e5502a0157e04c6221  udoo-image-full-cmdline-sbca62q1gb-20160204165522.rootfs.sdcard.gz
    This is the way I usally burn the image on the SD-Card
    mount /dev/sdd? && zcat  udoo-image-full-cmdline-sbca62q1gb-20160204165522.rootfs.sdcard.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdd bs=32M
    Due to the fact I do not have a A62 I only can check if the SD-Card layout makes sense:

    $ gunzip udoo-image-full-cmdline-sbca62q1gb-20160204165522.rootfs.sdcard.gz
    $ cfdisk udoo-image-full-cmdline-sbca62q1gb-20160204165522.rootfs.sdcard
    Screenshot 2016-02-06 07.36.25.png
    There was a 50% chance everything works out of the box :) I'll double check stuff..
    modjo likes this.
  2. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Hi Graugans, the SA62 is at my work i will check this on monday ! Udooteam, it would be great if you can send this card to Grangans, in regards of it's amazing job ! this guy add a lot to the udooer community ;). Otherwise, this week end i remove my yocto folder to another disk (250 Go to 1To) to can build all the images. If i would to try to build an image for sa62, i have just to define the MACHINE = sbca62q1gb ?
  3. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Hi graugans, i launch a build for sa62, but i have this error (the same i had with with seco guideline !), do you know how to resolve this :

    WARNING: Failed to fetch URL git://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git;protocol=https, attempting MIRRORS if available
    ERROR: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output:
    Cloning into bare repository '/media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/downloads//git2/secogit.seco.com.imx6_release.linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git'...
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    fatal: early EOF
    fatal: index-pack failed

    ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git;protocol=https'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.
    ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sa62Build/tmp/work/sbca62q1gb-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-seco/3.14.28-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.22316
    ERROR: Task 45 (/media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sources/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-seco_3.14.28.bb, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'

    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 765 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
    Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:
  4. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Maybe, they have a maintainance downtime... I am not in reach of a PC to check....

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk
  5. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    perhaps but i'm sure that tomorrow if i try i will have the same error (i already contact seco about this and no real answer to correct this since 2 month ...) If i go to https://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git , i can download the zip, where i can extract it (to dowload folder ?)

    edit :

    if i try this:

    $ git clone https://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git

    the result :

    Cloning into 'linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel'...

    remote: Counting objects: 48966, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (44689/44689), done.
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly65 MiB | 201 KiB/s
    fatal: early EOF
    fatal: index-pack failed

    re-edit :

    Zip download don't work ....:mad: stop at 84.6 MB for 136.42 Mb

    re-re-edit !

    download with tar.gz2 works ... after unzip it to dowloads/git2/
    and create a file
    after that compilation can continue ...
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    graugans likes this.
  6. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    After some compilations, i have another error with seco git !!!

    WARNING: Failed to fetch URL git://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git;protocol=https, attempting MIRRORS if available
    ERROR: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output:
    fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /media/modjo/data1TO)
    Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

    ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git;protocol=https'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.
    ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sa62Build/tmp/work/sbca62q1gb-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-seco/3.14.28-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.7881
    ERROR: Task 45 (/media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sources/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-seco_3.14.28.bb, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'

    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1061 tasks of which 1055 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
    Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:

    Summary: 1 task failed:
    /media/modjo/data1TO/yocto/seco/udoo-community-bsp/sources/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-seco_3.14.28.bb, do_fetch

    I have all the files in downloads/git2/secogit.seco.com.imx6_release.linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git but i probably missing something to tell bitbake that the git is already downloaded !

    edit :
    I think this method can't work because the folder structure is not the same when i extract the file or when bb use git, under the folder structure when i download file and extract it :


    and the correct structure for git :

    If anybody have an idea ? Udooteam, can you just try to try this
    $ git clone https://secogit.seco.com/imx6_release/linux-3-14-28-secoboards-imx6_rel.git

    to see if you have the same problem ?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  7. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    After a new installation of my host pc (kubuntu 14.04 lts) i relaunch from scratch a bb. In source folder i added git clone https://secogit.seco.com/marco.sandrelli/meta-seco-bsp-release.git and on /conf/bblayers i added :

    $ {BSPDIR}/sources/meta-seco-bsp-release \

    after this modifications, the compile work (i'm in the last step, do_rootfs), i let you know tomorrow if the card boot ;)
    Graugans, i had an error with the qtwebengine patch, i need to download it manually (in download folder) !

    edit :

    I wrote the image to the sdcard and same error :
    MX6Q SECO_A62 U-Boot > boot
    mmc0 is current device
    Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
    ** Unrecognized filesystem type **
    Wrong Image Format for bootm command
    ERROR: can't get kernel image!
    MX6Q SECO_A62 U-Boot >
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  8. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    perhaps the problem could be the format of the sd card. Under the format of the ubuntu image that boot on seco (they have only one partition in ext3) :


    and then the yocto image :


    in the guideline that they give, they advice to do this :

    (under, sd card formating)


    I will try to follow the same procedure for yocto ...
  9. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Sorry, I missunderstood your I thought the board was not booting at all. This ext2 is valid. Because there is an ext4 on the sd. Can you please send a full bootlog?

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk
  10. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Graugans, you can find the log here :

    first, boot with functional sd (ubuntu 11.10)

    second boot with your yocto layer

    The difference with the udoo quad is that there is a boot sequence where we can use a tool --> secoq7config where we can define the boot sequence (emmc, sata, lvds ...), see the second log. if i use the uboot on emmc and the FS on the sd card yocto boot (but xith the bad uboot :()!
  11. graugans

    graugans Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I just saw that there are branches in the UDOO github repositories for SA62. I'll switch to them. But this may take some days...
  12. modjo

    modjo Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    No problem ! take your time ;) your work is already so amazing :D
    graugans likes this.

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