we first conceived UDOO NEO as a device for robotics, drones and moving things, so it’s natural to think about a porting of ROS for UDOO NEO, as Jack Silberman did. At the same time, ROS would be a great tool for QUAD and DUAL too.
But there’s a wonderful news guys: ROS is already compatible with UDOO NEO/DUAL/QUAD, since UDOObuntu 2 RC1, now available for all our platforms (if you missed the news yesterday, have a look) is based on the filesystem Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty.
So what you have to do now is just to visit this page and follow the instructions. You’ll be guided to install some packages on ROS jade. Unfortunately we’ve haven’t had time to test it yet, but since this is a community we hope you’ll be interested in make your hands dirty and give it a try!