Remote Terminal (SSH)
You can use UDOO X86 as a Desktop PC, connected up to 3 4K resolution monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is probably the most used setup, but if you want you can communicate with the board in remote way, so long as you leaving the board connected to a network.
A first condition to establish a SSH connection with your UDOO X86 is to have previously completed the tutorial about Find IP Address.
A second condition is to install a SSH Server
on your UDOO X86 system, and install an SSH Client
on the PC from which you want to connect to UDOO X86.
SSH Server on UDOO X86
Choose the software for the OS you've installed on your UDOO X86.
On a Linux system we suggest to use OpenSSH Server
On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint
type the following command:
$ sudo apt install openssh-server
N.B: On Ubuntu you usually find the openssh-server already installed out of the box.
On RHEL/Centos/Fedora
type the following command:
# yum -y install openssh-server
On ArchLinux
type the following command:
# pacman -S openssh
You can change some OpenSSH server configuration in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
make a copy of the original sshd configuration file first.
sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.backup
sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Heads up! Take note of your Linux username
and password
. These will be required during the connection from the client.
If you want to use another SSH Server different from OpenSSh, you can find a comparison of SSH Server here.
On Windows you usually won't use the SSH connection to access a terminal, so we suggest to follow the docs on the next page to use a complete Remote Desktop (VNC) connection.
SSH Client on the remote PC
On the PC from which you want to connect to UDOO X86 choose the client for the OS you use.
On a Linux system we suggest to use OpenSSH Client
On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint
type the following command:
$ sudo apt install openssh-client
N.B: On Ubuntu you usually find the openssh-server already installed out of the box.
On RHEL/Centos/Fedora
type the following command:
# yum -y install openssh-clients
On ArchLinux
type the following command:
# pacman -S openssh
Connection via SSH
Once you have completed these steps, open your SSH client. For the sake of this example, we consider you're using PuTTY on Windows.
Opening PuTTY a window will ask you to specify the destination you want to connect to.
In the first blank space, named Host Name or IP address, type the IP Address of UDOO X86.
Eventually, a Windows Firewall popup could appear the first time you do this. If this happens, allow PuTTY to bypass the firewall.
When the connection succeeds, a black window will appear. That is the terminal. It will ask you to enter your login credential. Type the name of the user
<username>@<IPAddres>'s password:
Type the password of the username then press "Enter".
Heads up! Do not worry if you don't see what you type in the terminal: it's an expedient to hide your password to eventual onlookers.
At this point you can use your terminal:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
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90 packages can be updated.
40 updates are security updates.
Last login: Mon Jan 30 16:48:52 2017
Good job, mate: you are now connected to your UDOO Neo via SSH.